Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Car Tech can Kill You and Others

We have all seen it happen. I don’t think a day goes by when you don’t see a motorist chatting away on a cellphone or texting while driving. Distracted driving is a serious problem in South Africa and around the world and will contribute to more deaths on our roads going forward.

As car technology improves by the day, more and more people are tempted to use this technology while driving, dramatically increasing the chances of a serious accident due to negligence on behalf of the driver. Navigation systems, internet connectivity and access to social sites such as Facebook and Twitter while driving all culminate into a deadly mix. In 2010 in the US, 3092 (9.4% of road deaths) people died as a result of distracted driving with 24% of these deaths were related to cellphone use while driving. I can only imagine what the figures are in South Africa?

Motorists are urged to refrain from using cellphones while driving and should rather pull off the road to make a call or send a text message. Drivers are also urged to set navigation systems prior to departure to avoid fiddling while driving. Distracted driving can kill you and those around you. Drive safely, please.  

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