Friday, June 15, 2012

Drive To Improve Fuel Efficiency

Let’s be honest with ourselves, we have all seen bad drivers on the road. You know, that ‘cool’ guy in his sports car with hair greasier than his engine, revving way too high and burning rubber at the robot like there’s tomorrow. Not only can bad driving ruin your reputation, it can ruin your pocket too. Fuel does not come cheap these days and if you have any savvy, you should use it and try to drive your car in a way that will save hefty maintenance bills down the line and improve your car’s fuel efficiency.

Although many factors influence your car’s fuel efficiency, poor driving technique is certainly a major contributing factor to escalating fuel consumption. If you drive too fast, brake too hard and change gears like an animal, you will be paying much more for fuel. That said, driving your car into the ground won’t save you money, it will eat your money instead, no matter how 'cool' you think you look.

So how do you improve fuel efficiency? Well, there are many ways to do that. My advice to you is to read Fuel Efficient Driving Tips. There is much you can learn to become a better driver. Not only will this help you become a better driver, it will put money back into your pocket. Happy Driving. 

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